Data Protection Officer

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) has the role of supervisor within an organisation. The DPO supervises the correct compliance with and application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within an organisation. The appointment of a data protection officer is mandatory for certain organisations.

Is the appointment of a DPO mandatory for you?

An organization is obligated to appoint a Data Protection Officer if:

 It is a public organisation. For example, provinces, municipalities and healthcare and educational institutions;

  • The organisation regularly and systematically observes individuals on a large scale. Think of telecom providers and banks;
  • The organisation observes individuals regularly and systematically on a large scale. For example: hospitals, occupational health and safety services and health insurers.

Appoint an FG if this is not obligated?

Even if it is not obligated for your organisation to appoint an FG, you can still choose to do so voluntarily.  It can even be very useful and risk-avoiding to hire someone externally or to hire an employee specialized in the field of personal data protection.

Contact us

Legal Q can fulfil the task of the Data Protection Officer within your organisation. In this way, you can save costs and avoid the risk of non-compliance with the GDPR. For more information about this service or if you have any other questions about the GDPR, please feel free to contact us.

Specialist data protection officer

Legal Q can fulfil the function of Data Protection Officer within your organisation.
Innovation / Growth / Commitment

Lawyer data protection officer

Do you have questions about this subject? We can help you with this. Contact us without obligation!